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Zhouyi Translations                        I Ching Translations                   Interpretations                  Guides, Histories, and Philosophies   

I Ching Interpretations

These are interpretations of the I Ching, since they do not seem to translate the text closely or by someone who reads Chinese. Those which stay close to the themes of the original have a + beside the title.


≈ means there are significant author additions or changes from the text as translated by I Ching translators - noting that the reader may find the advice valid and useful, even though it is author's. ≈≈ Advice, usually not attempting to translate or paraphase.


Falconer, Indebted to Change, 2021.

A book of free-verse irregular poetry, one for each hexagram. The titles are related to the idea of each hexagram. The poetry is drawn from the author’s experience, with modern and sometimes nature themes, while reaching toward spirituality.

Interpretations of the I Ching

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Knowledgable Long Time Users and Teachers

Mystical by Knowlegable Authors

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Anthony and Moog, I Ching, The Oracle of the Cosmic Way, 2002.+

The authors have written several guides on the I Ching based on the Wilhelm translation and their own journey and journals. Her guides create Buddist-like phrases that keep bringing the reader back into their interior life when one might be tempted to see the reading as just a pragmatic response. This interpretation builds upon the Wilhelm translation with their own insight.


The interpreted text stays close to Wilhelm's but adds Anthony's phraseology from her guides.


Barrett, I Ching, Walking Your Path, Creating your Future, 2010.+

The author has an active forum in England. She has been active in studying the I Ching for decades, is familiar with the scholarship, and comments on many translations in addition to her own.


The translated text stays close to the meaning of Wilhelm and others. It includes commentary from the Ten Wings in addition to the Image Statement. The 2010 book is nicely laid out and illustrated with direct practical advice on how to approach each reading.


Barrett, I Ching, Walking Your Path, 2018.+

This contains the same translation and textual advice ad the 2010 book — smaller format with no illustrations.







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Berker, The Essential I Ching, 2012.+

The author, stating she did not know Chinese undertook to understand the Chinese characters and the meaning. Each reading has her translation and a "meaning" which the author states is to "get to the point."


BalkinThe Laws of Change, 2002.+

The author is a legal scholar who knows the I Ching and its history. Meant to make the book more accessable, it includes Confucian key words under the name. 



SessionsWisdom's Way, The Christian I Ching, 2015.

The author assigns "archetypes" to the Hexagrams and interprets them through a biblical lens, primarily with a New Testament orientation. The Chritsian I Ching Society has an active website based on the ideas:


Alberston, The Complete I Ching, 1969.

An out of print book paraphrase of Wilhelm, but is a hidden gem in that it gives concise advice in modern English with a demonstrated knowledge of the classic.


MacHovec, I Ching, 1971.

Only the Judgement is translated into modern English with a modern (1960's) outlook.

Falconer, Indebted to Change, 2021.

A book of free-verse irregular poetry, one for each hexagram. The titles are related to the idea of each hexagram. The poetry is drawn from the author’s experience, with modern and sometimes nature themes, while reaching toward spirituality.


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Poetic Interpretation

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SchorreYijing Wondering and Wandering, 2003.+

The book has a very good introduction, including the idea of yin-yang. She arranges Hexagrams in pairs, with beautiful calligraphy with a discussion of some. It is interlaced with quotes for Daoist classics, seeming to be in search of a relationship the Dao.



Swamiji NisargThe Magian's I Ching, 2015.

The author notes that it is not a scholarly translation, but it is evident that he has an excellent working knowledge of the Yi and its principles, while providing perspective on the meaning of key phrases and interpretations. In "advanced" chapters he deals with relationships and transformation of hexagrams. It discusses a correlation between the I Ching and Tarot as well as Hebrew/Christian mysticism.


Bernat, I Ching, 2016. ≈≈

Subtitle: "Life Coaching." It does what the subtitle says in the general theme of the hexagram.


Block, The I Ching, 2000. ≈≈

Subtitle: "Landscapes of the soul. Revising the Ancient Chinese Oracle." No judgments, but the author's commentary. It does what the subtitle says.


Brennan, The Magical I Ching, 2000. ≈≈

The author's own approach to describing imagery and readings. Hexagrams 1 and 2 are in reverse order.


Chang, Clear Cut I Ching, 2012. ≈≈

No lines. 25 Categories of questions are answered for each Hexagram. Order seems to be of the author's own making.


Clark,  Ching, 1998. ≈≈

Each hexagram has a photo or picture of theme and one paragraph of interpretation.


Crisp, The Little Book of Changes, 2012. ≈≈

Small format. The author derived advice related, sometimes distantly, from the orginal text.


Crouch, I Ching, 2005. ≈≈

"Plain and Simple." Paraphrase "with broad strokes" along with author's thoughts.


Damian-Knight, The I Ching on Business and Decision Making, 1986. 

Author interprets the text in the spirit of translations using business-oriented language. 


Dening, The Everyday I Ching, 1995. ≈≈

Author's interpretation of judgment and lines. After a short commentary further commentary are under subtitles are "An opportunity for further growth" and "Further aspects of the current situation."


Douglas, The Oracle of Change, 1971. ≈≈

A mystical interpretation. 


Drake, I Ching, The Tao of Drumming, 2003. ≈≈

The author adds the interesting idea of drumming the beats of the lines in a Hexagram as part of a reading.


Farnell, I Ching, 2008. ≈≈

"The Chameleon Book." The author's own interpretations of the Hexagrams. Has a separate list of Hexagrams that are "quick" with short statements.


Fox, An Illuminated I Ching, 1984. ≈≈

Concise interpretation emphasizing the imagery of the trigrams.


Feng, Tai Chi --- A Way of Centering & I Ching, 1970. ≈≈

After the 64 hexagrams, where "groovy" is generally substituted for success, are illustrated Tai Chi forms.


Hoefler, I Ching 1988. ≈≈

Interpretation rooted in numerology.


Hohne, The Essential I Ching 2015. ≈≈

Method of reading using changing lines is the idea presented by Zhuxi, but different. Paraphrases parts of judgment as a lead into the author commentary. 


Johnson, I Ching for Teens, 2001. ≈≈

Written by a psychotherapist. Provides no judgment, only advice. Has advice and suggestions in sidebars directed at teens.


Kaser, I Ching in Ten Minutes, 1994. ≈≈

A non-standard approach. The 64 Hexagrams are arranged and bunched into 16 readings.


Leichtman, Connecting Lines, 1992. ≈≈

Part of a series for using the I Ching for different purposes, such as health. The author's purpose for this is relationships. Essentially uses the hexagrams and lines for the author's advice. Provides no judgment, only advice.


Lightheart, I Ching for Beginners, 2017. ≈≈

The author's own interpretations. "Analysis" commentary is cast in what a "higher power" would advise.


Lim, Practical Guide to the I Ching, 2017. ≈≈

The author, and astrologer, leads with trigram imagery and commentary, both upper/lower and nuclear. The 100+ page introduction gives the history of ancient Chinese philosophy.


Marshall, I Ching, 1994. 

This is a kit with coins and is a flip book that allows you to line up trigrams over the hexagram. Significant author interpretations to provide a modern message.


McElroy, I Ching for Beginners, 1994. 

This is meant to be a modern interpretation and, with the author says it is not a translation or paraphrase, it stays pretty close to standard translations.


Ming, Book of Change, 1997. 

"An interpretation of a modern age," which presents the meaning of the original text (with some word changes to have more consistency within a reading) and advice. Includes calligraphy.


Mead, Simplified I Ching, 2016. 

The judgments and lines relate to the theme, the gives the author's advice and impressions.


Moran, The Complete Idiots Guide to the I Ching, 2002. 

There is an emphasis on the history with many commentaries referencing historical antedotes.


Murphy, Secrets of the I Ching, 2020≈≈

The author’s purpose it to tap the subconscious, providing his own thoughts in each Hexagram.


O'Brian, The Visionary I Ching, 2013. ≈≈

Illustrated. No judgment or line statements, but gives advice based on the general idea of the Hexagram.


Padma, Toa Oracle, 2002. ≈≈

Readings consist of advice to a modern American reader. 


Peden, I Ching, 1996. ≈≈

Concise modern advice base loosely on Wilhelm.


Ramirez-Oropeza, I Ching, 2009. ≈≈

The authors' own attempt to create meanings attached to lines and the hexagrams using "warrior" idea a lot.


Reifer, I Ching, 1983. ≈≈

"A new interpretation for modern times" It brings in Hindu terms as categories for each reading.


Riseman, Understanding the I Ching, 1990. 

A paraphrase with short interpretations and advice.


Seabrook, I Ching, 1998. ≈≈

Each hexagram as concise advice for 12 categories cush as judgment, innocence, awareness, ambiton, economy.


Sector, I Ching Clarified, 1994. ≈≈

Introduces a different coin method that matches the probabilities of the traditional stalk method. 


Serrell, I Ching Made East, 1994. ≈≈

Includes author's own "real-life adventures" after each reading.


Sneddon, Personal Development with the I Ching , 2003. ≈≈

The express purpose is to present the I Ching in modern language. It is a concise interpretation of each Hexagram.


Siu, The Portable Dragon, 1968. 

"The Western Man's Guide to the I Ching." Interpretations oriented to social relationships. Included quotes from a large body of "world literature."


Tabori, The I Ching, 1997. 

This is a kit with a small book and six four-sided plastic sticks with the four possible lines.


Trainor, I Ching 2015, 2015. ≈≈

Paraphrased advice with author commentary. 


Tran, Scientific Code of the I Ching, 2011  ≈≈

The author's system of yin-yang, trigram, and hexagram dynamics rooted in the Central Limit Theorum of statistics, relativity, and quantum mechanics. The translation paraphases the traditional translations and adds "Yin-Yang Logic (NEW!)."


WalkerI Ching. ≈≈

"Guide to life's turning points." Author's interpretation of judgment followed by short commentary and interpretation of lines. 


Wiesman, The I Ching, 2019. 

A paraphrase if Wilhelm with brief interpretations,



Wu Wie, The I Ching, 2005.

Wu Wie has written several books about the I Ching.


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